
Dead Space 2

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aliens bloody gravity disease health crafting death fire futuristic sci-fi space shooter insanity religion horror steam backtracking achievements gore undead mutants online inventory over the shoulder love sequel story rich government action game one-man army digital distribution male protagonists credits menu option cup alternate costumes voice acting human book upgradeable weapons syringe currency origin third-person perspective original soundtrack release loading screens wasd movement sink houseplant child art non-player character profanity electricity table bloody wall save point playstation plus instant death heart downloadable content macguffin melee crosshair subtitles gloves real-time combat glowing eyes breakable glass female antagonists jump scare moment vomiting loud ambient noises audio logs loading screen advice rpg elements reloading decapitation the future scientist teddy bear no hud confirm menu choices weak spot zoom sadism xbox one backwards compatibility physics manipulation suicide chapters dynamic soundtrack energy weapons breath meter stomping linear gameplay zero gravity combat flickering light fire extinguisher wheelchair luggage ambient music ammo counter on weapon gore system dismemberment coffee maker foam hand grief beard oven new game plus opening credits during gameplay stock up area telekinesis guided by radio aquarium workbench headshot strategic dismemberment microscope innocent people die swarming enemies playstation 3 menus don't pause gameplay divinity explained by aliens bread crumb trails strafing demonic infants decontamination limb targeting agile mutant/undead enemy gradual enemy introduction huddie corridor crawler impaling weapons curb stomp unitology necromorph adaptation directed escape mankind's monsterous future crazy partner hand cannon concordance extraction corporation ps3 playstation,... dead space 2 dead space 2 game
Three years after the Necromorph infestation aboard the USS Ishimura, Isaac Clarke awakens from a coma, confused, disoriented, and on a space station called The Sprawl. Just as his health begins to improve, The Sprawl is overrun with even more advanced forms of the alien-zombie hybrids.



Dead Space 2 Dead Space 2 Dead Space 2 Dead Space 2 Dead Space 2