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De man achter Iris and the Giant patcht er vrolijk op los

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Als indie-ontwikkelaar is het logisch dat je gespannen bent als je game online staat. De werkdruk en de verwachtingen zijn hoog en elke negatieve review is er een te veel. Ontwikkelaar Louis Rigaud besloot echter niet bij de pakken neer te gaan zitten toen ze kwamen.

In de week sinds de release van Iris and the Giant heeft het spel vier patches ontvangen die bugs aanpakken die door gamers gemeld zijn, hetgeen wij lovenswaardig vinden. Dit is immers een teken dat Rigaud niet enkel luistert naar kritiek, maar ook actief werkt aan het adresseren ervan. De patch notes hieronder zijn dan ook van slechts de laatste twee updates. Dus mocht je met de game gestopt zijn om technische redenen, dan is het opnieuw bezoeken ervan geen slecht idee.

Patch Notes

  • Game froze when breaking amphora with big trap behind
  • Game froze when using axe on mimic with stunAxe power (the one who grants stun bonus to axes)
  • Game froze when archer was killed with mirror card and there was a trap behind it
  • Game froze when the player used a whip as their very final card and the tacticWhip power was active (the power that makes you draw 2 cards when using a whip)
  • Game froze when a trap was pulled with a whip and the thiefWhip power was active (the one stealing a card when using a whip)
  • Game froze when using a mirror against an attacking mimic
  • Fixed missing characters in Russian language
  • Game froze when using "dance" card, using stairs before using every sword in hand, power "swordRegeneration" is active, and a sword was in hand (either because it was there before using "dance" card or with the power who gives two swords on new floor)
  • Chests now offer one more dagger card with the power allowing to throw daggers on second row (as stated in the description)
  • Hydra no longer shows a flying head animation when hit by a stone
  • Bug in Iris animation when using a burning healing card while having less than 8HP
  • Bug with giant stones that made you able to restart a level as many times as you want if you had at least two of them
  • Bug allowing you to have more than 4 giant stones
  • Bug calling game over function twice, resulting in twice more rewards given
  • Game stuck when using Lyre on closed pandora monster
  • Game stuck when using the card giving 6 swords in hand, killing a monster with a hourglass, then using every sword in hand
  • No game over nor giant help when the big trap ate your last cards from your hand

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