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I Am Alive krijgt rating

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Van I Am Alive horen we niet zo regelmatig iets, dus het feit dat de game een rating gekregen heeft van het Amerikaanse ESRB komt eigenlijk zomaar uit de lucht vallen.

Dit nieuws raakte bekend door de website Destructoid. I Am Alive krijgt een 'M'-rating opgekleefd, dit betekend mature (volwassen). De reden hiervoor is omdat er geweld en grof taalgebruik in voorkomt. Misschien dat deze rating de voorbode is van een mogelijke aankondiging van de releasedatum? Dit terzijde, het Amerikaanse ESRB heeft de toegewezen rating verduidelijkt. Op deze manier komen we meteen wat meer details te weten over de gameplay:

This is an action game in which players assume the role of a man who must find his family in a post-apocalyptic world. From a third-person perspective, players traverse through city ruins and use a machete to kill human enemies in melee-style combat. Battles are accompanied by realistic gunfire, slashing sounds, and cries of pain; characters emit brief splashes of blood when hit.

Players have the ability to kill or knock unconscious wounded/vulnerable enemies via finishing moves (e.g., throat slashing, impaling, pistol-whipping); these scenes are highlighted by close-up camera angles and increased player control (e.g., on-screen prompts with button-press sequences).

During the course of the game, players encounter women who can be saved from nearby enemies; sexual mistreatment is sometimes implied in the dialogue (e.g., “These guys kept me as their pet, or mascot, or something.”). One sequence depicts the background silhouette of a man fondling and threatening a captured female survivor; the exchange includes phrases such as “Do you hear me? Don't touch me!” and “Don't be like that. You know I can make your life a lot easier if you would just cooperate.”

The words “p*ssy,” “f**k,” and “sh*t” can be heard in the dialogue.

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