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The Division krijgt een forse content update

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Hardcore The Division-spelers mogen zich in de handjes wrijven. Update 1.8.1 voor de game is namelijk nu beschikbaar en brengt nieuwe content voor de game met zich mee.

De belangrijke toevoegingen die worden gedaan, komen in de vorm van twee global events genaamd Blackout en Onslaught. Blackout gaat eind deze maand van start en bewapend spelers met Shock Ammo waarmee vijanden Stun krijgen. Hiernaast is er een Charge-meter die oplaadt als je rent en schiet en die je extra schade laat doen.

In de hogere moeilijkheidsgraad wordt daar een one hit kill melee aan toegevoegd, die je hele team verlamd wanneer je mist. Een double edged blade dus. Pas echt lastig wordt het echter pas wanneer je het op de hoogste moeilijkheidsgraad speelt. Dan krijg je namelijk niet enkel bovenstaand, maar ook een snellere cooldown van de Charge-meter als je te dicht bij je teamleden in de buurt blijft.

Onslaught gaat eind mei van start en komt ook in drie varianten. In de reguliere moeilijkheidsgraad krijgen je kogels Burn-, Bleed- en Gas-effecten mee, die rouleren bij elke keer dat je jouw wapen herlaadt. Dat wordt echter pas belangrijk op de tweede moeilijkheidsgraad, waarbij tegenstanders slechts kwetsbaar zijn voor een van de drie en weerstand heeft tegen de andere twee. En alsof dat niet erg genoeg is, doen de vijanden met weerstand extra schade tegen jou.

In de hoogste moeilijkheidsgraad gelden deze regels ook, maar als je dan goed samenwerkt met je teamleden en twee kwetsbare vijanden binnen twee seconden uitschakelt, krijg je een bonus gedurende een clip.

In deze twee global events kun je natuurlijk een hoop loot winnen, maar dat is niet het enige wat er te halen valt. Spelers kunnen ook ruim veertig commendations binnenhengelen, wat ongetwijfeld motiverend zal werken voor de fanatiekste spelers.

Hiernaast krijgen Amherst's Apartment en Grand Centrale Station een Legendary moeilijkheidsgraad en voegt de patch op Xbox One X optimalisatie toe met onder andere 4K graphics. De rest van de veranderingen zijn kleiner in aard en kun je hieronder vinden:

Game Changes

    Division Tech increases
    Daily Combat, Crafting, Survival and Dark Zone Quests now reward the player with 25 Div Tech each.
    Weekly Open World and Weekly Underground Assignments reward the player with 100 Div Tech each.
    Season Pass Supply Drops now award 100 Division Tech.

Vendor Changes

    Added a Classified Gear cache to the Special Vendor that guarantees 1 Classified Gear piece from the entire pool.
    Global Events Vendor
    Removed the basic cache from the vendor.
    Each Global Event will now have individual caches per Classified Gear set for that Global Event. This allows the player to purchase, for example, a Fire Crest cache that guarantees one item from that set.
    Bosses in the Resistance game mode now award 100 Global Event tokens.

Exotic Loot drops

    Removed Premium Vendor Exotics from Open World loot pool and Exotic Caches
    All Exotics added to the Open World Bosses.
    Classified Gear Drop Rates
    Classified Drop Rates chances have been increased in all locations.
    Legendary Missions now have a 20% chance to give Classified Gear as a reward at the completion of the mission
    Season Pass Supply Drops now have a 10% chance to drop Classified Gear.
    Survival Caches now has a roughly 10% chance to drop Classified Gear.

Classified Gear

    Classified Firecrest 6 piece talent now makes the player immune to the fiery explosion caused by the burning targets.

Bug Fixes


    Fixed an issue where the Mobile Cover Blast Shield mod explosion had no effect.
    Fixed an issue where the Sticky Bomb Disruptor mod and the base Seeker Mine would affect neutral players in the Dark Zone.
    Fixed an issue where the UI indicated that certain Support Station mods were affecting neutral players.

Global Events

    Players are no longer able to kill Joe Ferro using explosives from the Strike Global Event while he is still in the spawning room.

Dark Zone

    Fixed an issue where a player dying during the Manhunt Interact caused the sound to loop.
    The "Group gone Rogue" message no longer appears when a player with Rogue status enters the game while not in a group.
    Fixed an issue where the UI for the Rogue timers would flash between different times.
    Fixed various locations in the Dark Zone where the player could get stuck.


    Certain Named NPCs tended to disappear from the Underground. We forced them back.
    Fixed issues related to a confused JTF officer.
    Fixed a weird door.


    Fixed the display of the Survival weekly assignment for players under maximum level.


    Fixed an issue where players would only receive one cache instead of three when completing the secret mission.


    "Marathon" Commendation now requires players to access the Camp Clinton safe house in order to unlock.
    The “Facetime“ Commendation now tracks requirements appropriately.
    Fixed the activity modifier requirement for some Global Event commendations.
    "Search and Destroy" Commendation now tracks for missions completed.
    "Flawless Underground" Commendation has been fixed to be awarded when all conditions are met.
    "Directive Executive" Commendation now awards when the proper conditions are met.
    Commendations for the Global Event: Assault will no longer appear if the Global Event is not active.


    Fixed an issue where the area of effect of the Firecrest fire was larger than the visuals indicated.


    Fixed an issue where players were getting stuck on a concrete block in West Side Pier.
    Fixed an instance in West Side Pier where players could get stuck outside playable area.
    Somehow located and removed an invisible ladder.
    There was a wall in Pier 93 that didn’t look right. It looks right now. We also fixed a weird ramp in there.
    There was a corrupted texture outside of the Carrier. It has been rehabilitated.
    Agents can no longer see outside of the game world in certain locations of Last Stand.
    Fixed evil trash bin and bags.


    Players will now be disconnected from the game servers when logging out of their PlayStation accounts.
    Fixed an issue where the player would get stuck on the loading screen when accepting a console game invite while on the loading screen.


    Fixed various technical issues that would make the game crash on PC.
    "Time Played" now appears on the Agent Selection screen instead of "Last Played".

Premium Store

    There were tabs in the store that appeared empty. We filled them.
    Players can no longer see secondary weapons when previewing backpack skins.

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