
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

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melee bloody revenge easter egg british accent bots terrorists flashback heroic sacrifice dog underwater gameplay aggressive door-opening military facebook games website integration building war difficulty level fast paced male protagonist soldier auto-saving political thriller completion percentage dolby digital snow regenerating health kill feed dedicated servers enemy tagging vehicle combat airplane hostages vehicular combat capture the flag twin stick control vending machine interaction wasd movement realism fake glitch close quarters combat text dialogue submarine 60 fps on consoles counter-terrorists heterochromia e3 2011 government famous quotes drone online achievements useable vehicles communism chicken horde mode slow-motion kill streak fascism secret achievements rail shooting segment voice chat pack-in game bomb defusal mode pilot invasion controversy surveillance camera chemical warfare cow air strike matchmaking world war iii valve anti-cheat death mp7 novint falcon support over 100% completion interactive achievement awards 2012 first person melee car accident trophy system united states army conquest mode military jargon high definition graphics polygonal 3d sequel multiplayer scoreboard gamescom 2011 mercenary special forces shooting private military company first person shooter shooting range color blind assist camera two difficulty levels at once last man standing retail games with steam activation split-screen multiplayer gunship navy seals mouse white noise darkness checkpoints wii classic controller support helicopter sliding down ladders eb games expo australia modern warfare blamed for real life murders steam cloud local and online players together achievements for starting the game steam artificial intelligence linear gameplay male antagonist scripted events crash landing vision obstruction non-player character steam achievements fake in-game advertising voice acting corpse playstation trophies difficulty achievement bird explosion real-time combat modern military downloadable content xbox live playstation network games on demand human multiple protagonists a.i. companion
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is a first-person shooter video game, developed by Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer Games (Treyarch for the Wii version), with Raven Software having assisted in development and published by Activision.



Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3