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Heart of the Machine laat je eindelijk door alle tutorials gaan

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Van een game die in Early Access zit, mag je niet verwachten dat deze feilloos draait. De bugs vinden en verdelgen is immers vaak een groot deel van het waarom dat men gekozen heeft voor EA.

Dat gezegd hebbende, kan het best wel frustrerend zijn als je hierdoor een tutorial niet kunt doen, vooral in een game als Heart of the Machine, welke al complex oogt in de screenshots. Gelukkig is dat probleem, welke je de Debate Tutorial niet liet doen, nu verholpen dankzij patch 0.651.2. De volledige patch notes kun je hieronder vinden:


  • Fixed two more cases that were still referring to the military tab of the build menu, instead of the Self tab like they should have been. Thanks to Ubercharge for reporting.
  • Fixed old txt in the alarmed POI guard tooltip, so that it now says "Alarm ends after 5 turns, or you can bribe a guard via StreetSense to cancel the alarm." Thanks to ussdefiant60 for reporting.
  • The "humans are livestock" moment has been completely rewritten from scratch. It no longer directly addresses the player from a second version of themselves, or anything like that. This was seeming to break the fourth wall in a way that it is not meant to.
  • Instead, this is now framed as a sense of deja vu that the character has, and a path to power through human suffering. It also describes the inside of the housing in both an accurate and unpleasant way. Thanks to Sticks and Adanu for suggesting.
  • Under "Thinking For Yourself" it now properly says the contemplation lens, rather than ability. Thanks to kenken244 and ArmiaStar for reporting.
  • All of the scientific employment spots now have an explanation that says:
  • Science Takes Time! Any scientists working here will tackle specific tasks whenever they come up.
  • Even if you have nothing for them to do, it's still a good idea to keep at least one building of this type active and staffed. Additional Contemplations will appear at various points thanks to their expertise. Thanks to Abhishek and Mandy for suggesting.
  • If you have not yet completed the Weapons And Armor project, then the "A New Kind Of Investigation" message box is now hidden, since that was super confusing as it was seeming to indicate that you should jump into the investigation right away. Thanks to Omega and several others for reporting.
  • All mentions of "make sure it's not in a military base" on the water investigation have been removed.
  • None of them are in military bases now, so this is not a concern that the player needs to think about. Thanks to Omega for reporting.
  • In the event that you are blocked from trying the investigation for water because of the weapons and armor project, it is now very clear about what you need to do, referencing the project by name rather than being more vague about getting weapons and armor.
  • The game now draws thicker lines for enemies that are attacking your units, making it much more obvious when things are incoming. Thanks to Abhishek for suggesting, and Mandy for also surfacing the issue from players on Steam.
  • The text during Frustration Mounts has been further clarified to explain what it means by "The process must be automated."
  • It now notes: Build at least 9 Robotic Motivator Factories, and 9 Slum Deconstruction Hubs, and your Robotic Workers will make short work of this task.
  • Predator and PMC Impostor Workers are both safe to use. Neither will kill anyone other than enemy combatants, so it's just a matter of cost.
  • These were already visible in the Suggested tab of the build menu, but it was definitely possible for folks to look right past them (hey, it happens to me sometimes, too). Now there are two places on the screen that clarify what is going on, because there were numerous people who were confused by this. Thanks to Tyranid for the most recent report.
  • There is now a visible countdown in the upper right corner, in a scary warning red, for when you have an investigation at a site in progress, or an infiltration.
  • It tells you to protect your investigator, and allows you to click to jump straight to them. Thanks to Abhishek, Mandy, kenken244, and ArmiaStar for reporting.
  • In the "Secure VR Software" it now shows big glowing rings around the cells where the valid targets are located. It was surprisingly invisible to a lot of people when it was just the green buildings without the rings. Thanks to Kor, IcedQuinn, MrNom, HiroProtagonist, Deadio, and Red Talon for reporting.


  • Weaponized Spiders and Bees, and Saber Bees, now properly cost 1 Mental Energy for each usage. They accidentally were not costing that, since version January 11th. Thanks to EagleShark for reporting.
  • "Gadolinium Extraction From Bastnäsite" has been rebalanced to give +10 Engineering and +30 Hacking Skill to all technicians and souldroids, rather than +10 Eng and +10 Cognition.
  • "Examination Of Liquid Gallium" has been rebalanced to give +20 engineering and nothing else to Souldroids and Technicians, instead of being +10 eng and +10 cognition to all androids.
  • "Examine Pharmaceutical Organotin" has been rebalanced to give +40 engineering rather than +20, and it still gives +20 cognition.
  • Automated Personnel Management now only requires 140 engineering rather than 300.
  • This allows for firing of staff much more readily, rather than having them stuck on the payroll.
  • I decided to skip adding in a separate event for firing them, as this is easier for players in general. Thanks to ricmadeira, MADMushrooms, HiroProtagonist, and veevoir for the discussion on this one.
  • You can no longer hire scientists until chapter 2, in general.
  • They were just a drain on you, and pointless, and also unable to be fired, in chapter one. Thanks to ricmadeira, MADMushrooms, HiroProtagonist, and veevoir for the discussion on this one.
  • Engineering buffs for players, to make it it so that any single "route to 400" now provides enough on its own:
  • Additional CPUs now grant 60 engineering to androids rather than 40, as a baseline.
  • Technicians now have 205 default engineering skill rather than 105.
  • Senior Technicians now have 70 default rather than 35.
  • Regular Technicians now have two augment slots rather than one.
  • If you have chosen the "Liquid Metal Great Wyrm," the "Impressive Dragon!" contemplation is now available.
  • Previously if you killed the AGI Researchers and did not choose the evil dragon, then you would be entirely locked out of the Is It Justice? goal line and a bunch of related goals, which was very non-ideal.
  • The fight in chapter one with the water cruiser is now substantially easier.
  • First of all, once you kill the cruiser, it does not come back. So if you kill it and then fail, the second time you try, it won't be there. That's not representative of later fights per se, but it's in the spirit of failing-forward and moving players along.
  • Secondly, there is an RNG element that could have 1-3 IP Security guards in this fight in general, with a cap of 3 out at a time during the fight.
  • This has been reduced in general to now have 1-2 show up per turn, with a cap of 2 out per turn.
  • The cruiser shift makes sure that players know it's not about the cruiser, but about their android, instead.
  • The IP Sec shift makes sure that players don't have to be perfect at combat in terms of maximizing their ME in order to make it through this fight. Thanks to Abhisek, Mandy, Pingcode, Dandere-Hivemind, JamesVagabond, Lord Of Nothing, and Bendigeidfran for the suggestions.
  • After an electrical outage has been repaired, the complaints at buildings of being out of electricity are now resolved. This has been tested with removing the display of these problems, and has also been tested with making sure that things like bulk unit capacity increases happen immediately, rather than having to wait until the next turn. This wasn't broken, per se, but it was not ideal balance and caused problems. This is a much better way to have this function. Thanks to Pingcode and Bromista for reporting.


  • Fixed a bug where Exploration Sites were previously showing up in the history window before the feature was actually unlocked, which was very confusing. Thanks to Ugly Horse, Frogon, and Mal for reporting.
  • "Complete Science Roster" now unlocks if you have the scientists on your payroll (as it says), rather than only if they also have offices. Thanks to mblazewicz for reporting.
  • Untranslated debug settings no longer appear in the Settings window, as that was definitely confusing and unpleasant for people looking at the game in languages other than English. These are really not needed by anyone but me, anyway, which is why they were not translated in the first place.
  • Added a new "Ignore Steam Deck Controls" setting. Only applies if you are on a Steam Deck. Enable this if you are in Docked mode and want to use traditional mouse and keyboard controls. Thanks to Mordenknen for requesting.
  • There was some condition that could cause the debate tour to not appear properly when you asked it to. It may have been if there was a sense of deja vu message waiting but not yet read, or if somehow the overall ui tour was still in progress.
  • Those two cases have been fixed up, if they were both possible. If there was some other condition causing this, then it may still be there, and please let me know. Thanks to JoeTron and Supreme Follower for reporting.
  • When there are units standing on a building that would block the joining of citizens to your cyberocracy, and/or the removal of dissidents, it now goes ahead and takes care of that immediately for you rather than making you have to move your troops that are in the way, and that sort of thing. Thanks to Waladil, Lictuel, and Zanthra for reporting.
  • Fixed an issue where units standing on top of slum buildings could block the "frustration mounts" project, much the same as with the cyberocracy. Thanks to Jef for reporting.
  • Fixed an issue where three UI shaders were logging endless complaints about not having a stencil property to the unity log, thus over time filling it up endlessly. Over a long enough period of time, since this log is never cleared, it would run any computer out of memory. This was one of two such things logging in that way, invisibly by unity as silent warnings.
  • Not only was this a defacto memory leak, but it also would surely have a performance impact in a negative way. Thanks to Mason Jar for reporting.
  • Fixed a flood of invisible and silent errors that were logged to the unity log every time you were in build mode for a freestanding building, and you moved your mouse cursor over the UI, or out of the window of the game.
  • Same deal, this was a defacto memory leak since it would fill up the unity log without end so long as the conditions were met. And I'm sure it would cause it to be choppy on some machines. Thanks to Mason Jar for reporting.
  • Five seconds after you load a savegame, or after a city is freshly generated, it now counts up all of the donut shops. If there are fewer than 30 of either kind, then it will replace some compatible existing buildings that are of low importance with these donut shops, at random. This prevents a softlock from happening when you need to visit the donut shops for a couple of different reasons, some in chapter one, and some in chapter two. If you have already started the event with poisonings, then it will not do this fix. Thanks to Noble and jmvbento for reporting.

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