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De volgende update voor Farm Together 2 is live

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De vierde grote update voor farming sim Farm Together 2 is nu live op Steam en richt zich voornamelijk op bugs die door de community gemeld zijn. Hiermee nadert ontwikkelaar Milkstone een punt waarop het naar eigen zeggen vindt dat er tijd kan worden gemaakt om zich ook te richten op nieuwe content.

Of Update #4 inderdaad voldoende verbeterd om die handen vrij te maken, zal de community vast spoedig laten horen, maar in de tussentijd hebben wij hier in ieder geval de patch notes:


  • Improved collision on ramps so the tractor doesn't get stuck on specific cases.
  • When searching for friend farms, a tooltip is shown telling that the friends list must be public to work. We have no way of determining whether your friend list is public or not, so it's just a suggestion to check.
  • Updated Ponds how to play descrition with the limits changed in the last update.
  • Reduced townspeople walk speed.
  • Decreased size of quick travel buttons in the Map window.
  • Compass update rate is increased based on the "Model Quality" setting

Gameplay changes:

  • Increased even more fuel capacity when upgraded.
  • Increased fuel capacity and regeneration rate of the Fuel depot.
  • Reduced chances of getting a job resource as an upgrade quest, and reduced the amount requested. This change will cause requested resources to be different from the previous version. Apologies!
  • You can now refuel the tractor without the need of getting down from it.
  • Slightly reduced price of town upgrades that ask for coins.


  • Fixed two fish varieties that were impossible to unlock.
  • Fixed an error related wih the guestbook that caused the farm not to save properly.
  • Fixed falling off the map when placing a barn and recycling it while still inside.
  • Fixed vehicle customization not properly saved when done from the Wardrobe in town.
  • Fixed items becoming invisible when entering and quickly exiting a house, or the town.
  • Fixed UI issues when exiting a house while moving or placing items.
  • Fixed map sometimes not showing harvestable state properly.
  • Fixed quest description UI issues.
  • Fixed some resources not being released when quickly closing the map just after opening it.
  • Fixed UI disappearing when map is bound to Z and you press Z, Z.
  • (Probably) Fixed "New" indicator not disappearing properly in the Wardrobe.
  • Fixed "Expand wide screen UI" not working at all.
  • Fixed minor chicken animation issues.
  • Fixed some UI text being improperly shown when selecting a sprinkler.

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