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Dread Delusion heeft zijn laatste update gekregen

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RPG Dread Delusion is amper twee maanden uit Early Acces, maar is sindsdien gebombeerd met gratis content om de game uit te breiden. Men wel echter niet te lang blijven hangen bij één game en daarom is nu de laatste update voor het spel uitgerold.

Daar we de tijd nemen om erover te schrijven, moge het duidelijk zijn dat dit geen kleine update is. Spelers mogen onder andere een Hard Mode verwelkomen, evenals een nieuwe locatie om te verkennen, items om erin te verzamelen en natuurlijk vijanden om te bevechten. Om de release van deze update vieren, krijg je bovendien op Steam nu 20% korting tot 2 augustus. Je betaalt daardoor € 13,43 in plaats van de gebruikelijke € 16,79. Wil je eerst meer weten? Dan vind je hieronder de patch notes:

Creature Island

Legends tell of some Wikkans who built a castle inside of a cephalok's shell. Using your sky-faring airship, travel to this new expanse and discover the secrets held within.

  • Explore the innards of an ancient squid as you traverse through the Cephalok, a magical creature filled with rare materials.
  • Encounter new enemies, including the Dredgers, who have claimed the Cephalok as their home.
  • Acquire new powerful, late-game items.
  • Discover the mystery surrounding the Cephalok and why it's shown up in the Oneiric Isles.

Hard Mode

Along with Creature Island is a new challenge for veterans of the Oneiric Isles in the form of Hard Mode. In this mode, seasoned players will have to retool their playstyle for the increased challenge in Dread Delusion.

  • Enemies can take more punishment and deal more in turn. Players may also come across new groups and formations of foes across the isles.
  • Attacks will ask more of the players' resources, with strikes and incantations costing more mana and stamina.
  • Items and ingredients will be harder to come by, forcing players to plan and be more efficient in their adventures.

New Equipment

With a new frontier to explore, there's also new loot to be discovered. As you travel across the slimy interiors of the Cephelok, keep an eye out for new materials and equipment!

  • New airship components to further customize your flying vessel.
  • Shroom Weave Ore and Weapons to satiate your battle mage fantasies.
  • Temporal Pickaxe to make collecting mineral-based ingredients quicker.
  • A deviously challenging time trial to lavishly expand your airship.

Quest Fixes

  • Fixed a potential soft-lock in the "Missing Persons" quest
  • Fixed an issue where Lludd could potentially spawn inside of an object, leaving players to potentially miss the "Secrets and Spores" quest.
  • Fixed a potential soft-lock with the quest "Sky Pirate Caxton Frost"
  • Fixed an issue with NPC reactions after completing the quest "All Good Things"


  • New Region: Creature Island
  • New Game Mode: Hard Mode
    Changes in Hard Mode are as follows:
    • Increased enemy health by 50%
    • Increased enemy damage by 50%
    • Enemies respawn much faster
    • Stamina regenerates 20% slower.
    • Mana cost increased by 10%
    • Fatigue build-up increased by 25%
    • Potions must be bought or crafted. They no longer drop from enemies.
    • Enemy rare drop rates halved.
    • Herbs take an additional day to regrow.
    • Enemy placement has been changed.
    • Achievement added for beating the game in hard mode.
  • New Ore Type and Equipment: Shroomweave Ore and Weapons
  • New Side Quests
  • New Equipment, Spells, and Items


  • Regular melee attacks, throwing knives/stars, and flechette spells no longer cause the enemy to stun (Normal & Hard Mode)
  • The time an enemy is stunned when using a charged strike has been reduced significantly (Normal & Hard Mode)
  • Some minor changes to enemy behavior and AI (Normal & Hard Mode)
  • The reputation window has been retooled to show player statistics during a playthrough
  • Changed the artwork for the Pass Time spell to better reflect how it works, lore-wise


  • Fixed an issue where the coin counter wouldn't update properly
  • Fixed an issue with the Auto-Serfs attacks not connecting with the player if they stood at a certain range
  • Fixed an issue with the Entombed One's camera
  • Fixed an issue where players could get potentially soft-locked in the Rotten Onions base
  • Fixed an issue where players could potentially get stuck inside the crystal ramp while traveling to the Erudite Academy
  • Fixed an issue where ranged weapons would not work on Striking Dummies.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to disembark from the airship through walls
  • Fixed an issue where certain entice-based clothing didn't give the correct buff to the player
  • Fixed an issue where the airship would reset after certain conditions on Shipwreck Isle
  • Fixed an issue where repeated boarding and disembarking would break the region system
  • Fixed an issue where the game would load endlessly after selecting a save file
  • Fixed an issue where the overworld music would get mixed in with the area music in certain isles
  • Fixed an issue where players could potentially get locked out of their own airship
  • Fixed a respawn issue that would leave players in Pwyll
  • Minor performance fixes
  • Various text/typo adjustments/fixes
  • Various prop adjustments/fixes
  • Various geometry adjustments/fixes

Let op: GameQuarter schrijft dit bericht in de hoop zijn lezers te wijzen op voor hun interessante game(-gerelateerde) aanbiedingen. GameQuarter wordt niet betaald of op andere wijze gecompenseerd voor het plaatsen van dit bericht, maar doet dit wel op verzoek van een van onze relaties. Zij hebben geen inspraak gehad in de inhoud ervan.

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